Animystic: Channeling Mystical Rhythms in ‘Drawing Down the Moon’

Terry Phillips / formerly Talisman Groovemaker / currently known as Animystic

Terry Phillips, the artist known as Animystic, has spent years exploring the intersection of spirituality, music, and storytelling. Formerly known as Talisman Groovemaker, Animystic’s journey through sound is as mystical and transformative as his name suggests. His latest release, “Drawing Down the Moon,” is a testament to this journey, blending deep spiritual themes with the evocative power of music.

“Drawing Down the Moon” is more than just a track; it’s a spiritual exploration set to sound. Inspired by a central ritual in the Wiccan Tradition, where a High Priestess invokes the spirit of the Goddess through the moon, this downtempo Organic House track carries a profound narrative. Animystic’s signature Romani-inspired guitar work is at the forefront, bringing a mystical and ethereal quality to the music that resonates with the power and wisdom symbolized by the Moon Goddess.

Animystic’s connection to the mystical isn’t just thematic; it’s deeply personal. The name ‘Animystic’ itself reflects his belief in animism—the idea that a supernatural energy or spirit animates all things. This concept is woven throughout his music, which aims to channel the unseen forces that shape our world.

His collaboration with Cafe De Anatolia, a label known for its carefully curated world music, marks a significant milestone in his career. Animystic has long admired the label, often incorporating its tracks into his live sets. When his music was recognized and featured by Cafe De Anatolia, it felt like a homecoming—a validation that his unique blend of sounds had found a place where it could be fully appreciated.

Animystic’s journey into music began in the vibrant live music scene of New York City, where he was influenced by the electric energy of psychedelic rock bands like Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, and Led Zeppelin. But it was the discovery of the underground dance music scene that truly ignited his passion. The hypnotic beats and liberating rhythms of house music drew him in, and he began to envision a way to merge the worlds of rock and electronic music.

A pivotal moment in his artistic development occurred at a backyard party in Portland, Oregon. Around a campfire, he was entranced by the sound of a Spanish Gypsy Minor scale played on a mandolin. This exotic scale spoke to his soul, awakening a deep connection that would shape his future music. It led him to become a traveling bard, creating music specifically for belly dancers and fire dancers, infusing his performances with a sense of ancient mystery and passion.

This background as an acoustic musician, combined with his experience as the Troubadour and Ring Leader in a traveling Fire Theater Troupe, gives Animystic a unique edge in the music industry. His performances are not just about playing tracks; they’re immersive experiences that emphasize connection, storytelling, and live instrumentation. His ability to blend these elements into his DJ sets makes his sound distinctive and deeply resonant.

Collaboration has been a cornerstone of Animystic’s career. Whether producing live events or working with other musicians and dancers, he has always valued the creative synergy that comes from working with others. These collaborations have enriched his music, bringing new ideas and perspectives that have pushed his creative boundaries.

For Animystic, the greatest joy of being a musician is the ability to bring people together through music and dance. His shows, often co-produced with his partner Tamara, known as “Luminara,” are vibrant celebrations of life and creativity. Inspired by the Wheel of the Year and the changing seasons, their productions have become a cultural staple in the Pacific Northwest, with themes ranging from the awakening of spring to the mysteries of Halloween.

As he continues to explore new musical landscapes, Animystic remains grounded in the simple but profound advice that has guided his career: “Less is more.” This mantra, combined with his deep preparation and connection to his craft, allows him to face any challenge with confidence.

Animystic’s story is one of constant evolution, driven by a deep connection to the mystical and the desire to create meaningful experiences through music. With “Drawing Down the Moon,” he invites listeners to join him on a journey that transcends the ordinary, offering a glimpse into the profound spiritual forces that move through all things.

“Drawing Down the Moon” by Animystic released on 16.07.2024 by Cafe De Anatolia & Cafe De Anatolia LAB

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